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Congratulations to our newest Order of Omega initiates!

Congratulations to everyone who was accepted into the Order of Omega for Spring 2018! The Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of fraternity & sorority organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in […]

Student Organization Re-Registration Opens Today!

Student Organization re-registration for the 2018-2019 academic year will open April 4, 2018 and close April 25, 2018. Who should complete re-registration? During the re-registration period, students who will hold officer positions for 2018-2019 will complete re-registration for their organization(s). What else is required? All […]

CHARGE Proposal Days!

CHARGE is an emerging leaders program that runs for 10 weeks each spring. Participants use the semester to complete various leadership modules, collaborate with members of the campus community, and ultimately create a proposal for an initiative that will enhance campus. These presentations are the […]

Chinuntdet-Crowe Leadership Scholarship

Wake Forest University is pleased to announce the Chinuntdet-Crowe Leadership Scholarship. John Chinuntdet ‘88 and his wife, Tonya Crowe-Chinuntdet ‘88, have established an annual scholarship of $4000 which will be awarded to an upperclass student (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) who has excelled in campus leadership […]

Announcement Regarding Student Events in The Barn

The University is in the midst of a thorough review of events associated with the tragic shooting death of Najee Ali Baker on January 20. All student events at the Barn, and parties of a similar nature, have been canceled until the University can complete […]

Seeking Student Trustees for 2018-19

The Wake Forest Committee on Student Life welcomes students to apply for the position of Student Board of Trustee. The Student Trustee position is open to all rising, full-time junior and senior students (i.e. current sophomores and juniors) at Wake Forest University who are not […]

About the SE Blog

The Office of Student Engagement’s mission is to help all students “find their place.” Keep an eye on this blog to learn more about upcoming events, leadership programs, and ways to get involved in the campus community.
