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The Student Activity Fee (SAF) supports vibrant campus life by funding events, programs and initiatives that enhance the student experience. Managed by the Student Activity Fee Committee, SAF ensures equitable distribution of funds to student organizations and departments, fostering community, engagement, and opportunities for all.

For any questions, concerns, or assistance with your funding request, contact us at

Criteria for Receiving SAF Funds:

SAF funding supports events and initiatives that enrich the student experience. To be eligible:

  • Applicants must represent chartered student organizations, university departments, or student committees/councils advised by university departments.
  • Individual students with ideas should seek collaboration with a chartered student group or university department.
  • Events/initiatives must:
    • Be open to all students and have campus-wide appeal.
    • Align with the Campus Life Strategic Themes, which include:
      • Reimagining the campus as a classroom
      • Inspiring One Wake Forest
      • Creating pathways to leadership, meaning and purpose
      • Elevating our consciousness of care
      • Maximizing processes, systems and resources
    • Foster collaboration between organizations or departments.
  • Groups are strongly encouraged to make a financial or resource contribution to the event, proportionate with their budget.
  • Applications for funding requests over $1,000 must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event, while requests under $1,000 must be submitted at least 14 days prior. Late applications will not be considered, so plan accordingly to ensure eligibility.

For detailed eligibility and requirements, see the full criteria here.

Funded by SAF

SAF Funding Expectations

SAF funds are intended to support events for Wake Forest University undergraduate students. Event with a substantial audience of faculty, staff, or community members may receive partial funding.

To ensure your event or initiative meets SAF guidelines, please review the following key expectations:

  • Submit an updated, detailed budget using the approved template, including vendor quotes within 30 days of application. Per University Financial Guidance, event costs should be reasonable.
  • All organizations must go through the event planning process with the Office of Student Engagement.
  • Attendance tracking is required. The Office of Student Engagement has barcode scanners that can be checked out to assist with this.
  • SAF encourages the use of student freelancers where possible; they must be hired following federal guidelines and prior to the event or initiative takes place.

For more detailed information and insight into the criteria being used, see the SAF Rubric linked here.

Committee Composition

The SAF Committee is composed of 10 University representatives. This group is a combination of students and staff, providing a balanced perspective of funding decisions. Appointments to the committee are for a single academic year. Student candidates are interviewed by the SAF Committee Chair and Financial Manager to ensure a commitment to the committee’s goals.

Students planning to study abroad must inform the committee early, as committee spots cannot be held in their absence.

For a more extensive overview and logistics, see full criteria here.

Additional Resources