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Greetings Student Leaders!

Re-registration for all chartered student organizations is open until May 4th. Organizations that fail to complete the re-registration requirements by May 4th will be considered “inactive” until requirements are met. Re-registration is required for all chartered organizations.

Please have the primary contact person for the 2017-2018 academic year complete the re-registration application.

To access the re-registration application:

  • Go to your organization page on The Link
  • Click the blue “register” button
  • Read the registration instructions
  • Complete the requirements step by step

While filling out the re-registration application, you will be prompted to complete several requirements . Prior doing so we ask that you send the Advisor Agreement form to your to your advisor to be completed and take the Campus Labs assessment mentioned below.

Advisor Agreement

The advisor of your organization will need to sign an advisor agreement to fulfill this year’s registration requirements.

To complete the advisor agreement:

  1. Review and discuss the advisor agreement with your advisor
  2. The advisor agreement can be reviewed on the Student Engagement form page:
  3. Have your advisor complete the following form:
  4. Please note that your re-registration is incomplete until your advisor submits the Advisor Agreement form

Registration Requirements

Registration requirements for the 2017-2018 Academic Year include:

  1. Complete the Re-Registration assessment via the CampusLabs link:

    a. Please note: If your organization is not listed on the drop-down menu on question 1, please select “organization name” and include your organization name in your response to question 5 (Mission Statement).

  2. Update your organization profile
  3. Update your roster including president, advisor, and treasurer.
  4. Invite new members to join The Link
  5. Upload an updated constitution
  6. Select organization interests
  7. Confirm organization categories
  8. Upload your organization profile picture
  9. Have advisor complete advisor agreement form

Registration applications will be reviewed within 5 business days and approved if all requirements are met. Any questions regarding the re-registration process for chartered organizations can be directed to Michele Kurtz, Assistant Director for Student Organizations and Programs via email ( or phone (336-758-4064).
