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Welcome to the Office of Student Engagement’s new website! The students and staff that work in Student Engagement are extremely excited to have a comprehensive on-line presence to assist every Demon Deacon looking to get involved at Wake Forest University. The vision of the Office of Student Engagement is very simple. Our goal is to Help Every Deacon Find Their Place. Student Engagement aspires to aid every student in finding a sense of belonging and community at Wake Forest. It could be a leadership position in a student organization, helping create an inclusive and welcoming campus culture, aiding students in understanding their personal well-being, giving back to Winston-Salem, or making sure that every member of our community has a community!

The Student Engagement website, along side “The Link” will serve as our two platforms for making sure that getting involved, feeling engagement and learning to lead are opportunities that are provided to all of our students. Please use this site and “The Link” to learn about involvement opportunities, read about important policies and protocols, get the latest news about what is going on around campus, or to ask us questions or provide us with feedback on how to enhance the student experience.

The Student Engagement staff is looking forward to working with all of our students and advisors to make getting involved a vibrant and exciting part of the Wake Forest University experience. Good luck and Go Deacs!

Tim Wilkinson

Associate Dean for Student Engagement
