Student Organization Handbook

This section contains information and frequently asked questions about the chartering process for student organizations.
This section contains information about the student organization annual reregistration process.
What is the Link?
The Link is the official platform for engagement at Wake Forest. Providing campus connections, The Link allows students to interact with student organizations and campus departments, attend exciting events, and engage in beloved Wake Forest traditions. All active, chartered organizations can be found on this platform along with their contact information, officers, and rosters of their members. Organizations can utilize the Link to submit and promote events, maintain membership rosters, host organization documents, keep photo galleries, hold officer elections, and more! If you want more information about the Link and how to use its many features, keep an eye out for “Link Learn” trainings announced at the start of each semester.
What is Link Loot?
Link Loot is an incentive program in which students can collect points by swiping their Deacon Card at eligible events. Those points can be spent at an auction at the end of each semester. Events can be submitted for consideration for Link Loot points when they are registered on the Link. Card swipers are available for checkout from the Office of Student Engagement.
Organization Nomenclature:
Organizations must be named according to their purpose, mission, or interest. No organization’s name may include “Wake Forest University” or any derivatives in advance of their name. For example, an organization should not be named “Wake Forest University Panda Conservation Club” or “Wake Panda Club” but instead would be named “Panda Club” or “Panda Conservation Club at Wake Forest University.” Outside websites should be branded with the organization name/logo, and not “Wake Forest University” or any WFU logos.
Logos and Marketing:
As a student organization, you are welcome to create a logo, design outreach materials, and otherwise promote your organization visually. We suggest that you work with MRKT for these purposes. If you want to utilize the Wake Forest University logos for any reason, you are expected to follow the identity standards set forth by the university, including using a licensed vendor to print branded merchandise.
The Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) allocates funding to chartered student organizations. For more information, visit the Treasurer’s Portal in The Link.
The Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO) assists student organizations with all aspects of expense payment and revenue collection. Visit the SOFO website for more information.
The Student Activity Fee Committee (SAF) allocates funding for campus-wide events and initiatives. For more information about the application process, visit the SAF portal on The Link.
To learn more about the SAF application process, consult the Student Activity Fee Quick Guide.
The Event Planning Guide provides detailed guidance for organizations holding events on campus.
All student organizations must abide by the non-discrimination statement for student organizations.
The Student Code of Conduct details expectations for student organizations.
Event Planning Office Hours
Event planning office hours will take place in Benson 335. Meetings are available most weekdays by appointment. To book an event planning meeting:
- Go to
- Select an appointment at least 1 hour in advance
- At your meeting time, check in at the front dest in the Student Engagement Suite (Benson 335)
- Our Office Assistant will direct you to your event planner’s office!
Event cutoff date:
Student led events and activities must conclude prior to 11:59 p.m. on the Last Day of Classes each semester. Event Planning will conclude ten business days prior to the Last Day of Classes.