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Event Management Procedures:

Student organization social functions that are intended for Wake Forest students and invited guests only must be approved and registered with the Office of Student Engagement by 3:00 p.m. (afternoon) on the Thursday prior to weekend events (Friday – Sunday night events) and by 3:00 p.m. the Monday prior to weekday events (Monday – Thursday night events). Events that may be attended by non-Wake Forest guests must be registered ten days prior to the event. For events held in independent lounges, the reservation process is at:

All lounge reservation requests must be submitted using the online form below at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Furnishing needs for the event should be requested at the time of reservation. All changes/cancellations must be made at least one business day prior to the event. Your reservation is not final until you receive written confirmation from the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

  • Social Events may not extend beyond four hours in duration, and not past 12 a.m. (Sunday through Thursday) and 2 a.m. (Friday and Saturday).
  • Music must cease for the final fifteen minutes of the event.
  • Any event held the night before a break and/or a Reading Day on the Reynolda campus must end no later than 11:59 PM on the night of the event.
  • Student organization requests for multiple registered events on the same day may be approved at the discretion of the Office of Student Engagement.
  • All campus lounge social events are considered private events and attendance is limited to either members of the Wake Forest community and/or invited guests.
  • Lounge events with where alcohol is served must follow the Event Management Procedures for Campus Social Functions with Alcohol.

II. Management of Social Functions

  1. Student organizations hosting lounge events must have two members and/or advisors at the primary entrance of the social event verifying the student status of those who enter (i.e. College Student IDs must be checked each time a guest enters the event), and at least one member of the organization must be present at other entrances to direct all guests to the primary entrance. Throughout the duration of the registered social event, all entrances are to be monitored.
  2. Event hosts are responsible for the behavior of all guests, including non-WFU college students. Violations of University policies or the Code of Conduct by guests or organization members could be charged to the organization and/or individual Wake Forest students.
  3. Event hosts verifying the student status of those entering may not be under the influence of alcohol and may not consume alcoholic beverages while on duty.
  4. Wake Forest students, other than event hosts, may attend registered social functions only as a registered guest of the host organization. Wake Forest students will be required to show their Wake Forest identification card in order to be permitted entrance to the event.
  5. Individuals other than Wake Forest students may attend social functions only as an invited guest of a Wake Forest student and are the responsibility of said student. Invited guests will be required to show their valid college identification card and sign in to the event in order to be permitted entrance.
  6. Event hosts cannot charge and/or ask for a donation for entry into the event.
  7. Wristbands will be provided to event hosts. The amount of wristbands provided will not exceed lounge capacity. Wristbands must be given to each event guest at the point of entrance. Wristbands may not be reused or shared.
  8. Event hosts are responsible for denying admission to guests with alcohol in the registered party area. Trash receptacles should be present at all entrances and exits, and guests with alcohol must dispose of such alcohol before being permitted entry.
  9. Event hosts may deny entrance to guests who appear to be intoxicated or to guests who engage in conduct that could be considered a violation of University policies, including the Student Code of Conduct.
  10. Guests may not be permitted entrance into the lounge prior to event start time.
  11. If medical attention is needed for a member or guest, event hosts or guests should call x5911, or inform an Event Resource Manager or University Police.
  12. During the course of the social function, event hosts will perform the following duties:
  13. At such a time that a party is co-sponsored by two organizations, each organization will be considered event hosts and are responsible for the management of the event.
  14. If the Office of Student Engagement determines that Event Resource Managers (ERMs) are required, organization hosts must attend a pre-event meeting prior to the planned event. The social event will be cancelled if the host does not attend the scheduled pre-event meeting.
  15. ERMs and University Police will conduct a pre-event walk-through of the facility with organization leadership prior to the beginning of the event.
  16. All social events with live music, use of a DJ, or Wake Radio must be approved through the Office of Student Engagement event planning process and conform to the Amplified Sound Policy.
  17. Event hosts that would like to use combustible materials during the event or make alterations to the lounge must consult with and receive prior approval from the Office of Residence Life and Housing and the Office of Student Engagement and comply with safety and clean-up guidelines for such events.

III. Non-Wake Forest Guests

  1. Up to 20% of the event guests may be non-Wake Forest college students, as determined by the capacity of the event space. All invited guests must be 18 years of age and present valid college identification for entry.
  2. Event hosts are responsible for submitting a guest list to Event Resource Management Staff and Wake Forest University Police at the beginning of the pre-event meeting on the night of the event. University Police will provide a copy of the guest list to the staff working the front gates. If the event host fails to produce a guest list at the pre-event meeting, non-WFU college student guests will not be allowed at the event. Non-WFU college student guests whose names are not on this list will not be permitted entry to the event.
  3. Event host is responsible for ensuring all guests, including non-WFU college students, sign into the event prior to entry.
  4. If non-WFU guests are planning to remain on campus after the conclusion of the event, the Wake Forest student hosting the event guest is responsible for ensuring that a Visitor Pass Request form has been properly completed prior to the beginning of the event.
  5. Non-Wake Forest college students entering campus after 10:00pm must comply with entrance protocols for entrance through a University gate house.

IV. Closing a Social Function:

  1. Event hosts must properly clean in and around the lounge (up to fifty feet away) where a social function has been held.
  2. Cleaning must occur immediately following the event.

V. Training Requirements:

  • Social Host Training: Social Host Training will be held at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and is required for any undergraduate student organization that hosts events a) with alcohol, b) lounge events and c) events with 200 plus guests expected. Additional Social Host Training opportunities will occur for student organizations that host events later in the semester. Under the direction of the Office of Student Engagement, social host training will provide instruction and discussion of:

VI. Advertisement and Marketing of Social Events with Alcohol:

  1. Advertising and marketing must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement during the event planning process.
  2. Social events in lounges may not be advertised or marketed to off-campus college student guests. If advertising or marketing for social events in lounges appears on social media or any other media or platform, it must state that events are for Wake Forest students and invited guests only.
  3. Themes of registered social functions (including those represented on publicity materials) may not be sexually, racially, religiously, or ethnically offensive.