Policy Quick Reference Guide

Amplified Sound Policy
- No amplified sound is allowed by Wake Forest University before 5pm on weekdays.
- No amplified sound is allowed by the City of Winston-Salem between 10pm and 6am.
Contracts Policy
- Organizations that sponsor a performer (DJ, Band, Speaker, Entertainer) on campus may often have to execute a formal contract agreement before the program can take place. The Office of Student Engagement has been charged by the university to manage this contract process for all registered student organizations. The only people on the Wake Forest campus who can bind the university to an agreement are those authorized by the Assistant Vice President for Campus Life.
- Student organizations cannot sign contracts on behalf of Wake Forest University or in any way represent that they are agents of or signing on behalf of the university. Such action may constitute civil or criminal fraud. In many instances, a verbal agreement is binding; students should check with the Office of Student Engagement before making offers for any performers.
- Contracts are important because they identify what each party is committed to providing, specify agreed payment amounts and accommodations, dictate the details of the program (time, location, length of performance), and safeguard the university and organization members.
- Contracts should include key points about the event, such as the date, time, location, and performance length, and should contain information about hotel accommodations, ground transportation, and hospitality (if agreed upon). The timing of payment should also be addressed; it is recommended that payment be provided after goods are received or services are rendered, and not in advance.
For more information about all things related to event planning, consult the Event Planning Guide.
To request security for your event, consult this page at the University Police Website.
Student Organizations must obtain approval from SOFO prior to engaging in fundraising on campus.
To learn more, read the Fundraising Guidance page at the SOFO webiste.
The Federal Copyright Act specifies that copyrighted materials, like movies, can be used publicly if properly licensed. However, neither the rental nor purchase of a movie carries the right to exhibit it outside of one’s home; this includes rentals from the university library and online streaming services. If you want to screen a movie, the rights to do so must be purchased. The Office of Student Engagement can assist you with acquiring the proper rights to screen films and shows.
Gambling and raffles are not allowed, including 50/50 raffles.
For more information about Hazing Prevention, visit hazing.wfu.edu.
Read the WFU Protection of Minors policy.
Student Organizations may not have off-campus bank accounts. Funds earned through fundraising sales and dues collection may be deposited to Agency Funds. For more information email sofo@wfu.edu.
Materials should only be posted on public bulletin boards using pushpins and only taped to stone, concrete, and natural wood surfaces. Flyers should not be posted on:
- Trees
- Sidewalks
- Iron railings
- Lamp posts
- Benches
- Painted surfaces
- Glass doors or windows
- Wait Chapel
- Outside entrances of Reynolda Hall, Tribble Hall, the ZSR library, Benson Center, or Scales Fine Arts Center
Chalking on campus streets, sidewalks, or walls is prohibited except on the sidewalk between the Magnolia court and Benson Center patio.