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Event Registration

  1. All campus social functions in lounges at which alcoholic beverages will be available and involving undergraduates must be approved and registered with the Office of Student Engagement or the appropriate graduate school by 3:00 p.m. (afternoon) on Thursday prior to weekend events (Friday – Sunday night events) and by 3:00 p.m. the Monday prior to weekday events (Monday – Thursday night events).
  2. All other campus social functions organized by recognized student organizations/groups at which alcoholic beverages will be available are to be registered with the Office of Student Engagement per the event planning process thirty (30) days prior to the event.
  3. All social events with live music, use of a DJ, or Wake Radio must be approved through the Office of Student Engagement event planning process and conform to the Amplified Sound Policy.
  4. All social functions on Reynolda campus will be designated on the registration form as either “alcohol-provided” or “bring your own” functions.
  5. All campus lounge social events are considered private events and attendance is limited to members of the Wake Forest community and invited guests, unless made more restrictive by the sponsoring organization(s).
  6. All recognized student organization/group events with alcohol other then lounge events must be third party vendor, utilizing the food services company contracted with the university.

Social Event Trainings

Social Host Training

Social Host Training will be held at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and is required for any undergraduate student organization that hosts events with alcohol. Additional Social Host Training opportunities will occur for student organizations that host events later in the semester. Under the direction of the Office of Student Engagement, social host training will provide instruction and discussion of:

  • The Undergraduate Alcohol policy
  • The role of University Police, Event Resource Managers, and social hosts
  • Effective social event planning and management, and problem solving and crisis intervention

TIPS Training

All undergraduate student organizations that host events with alcohol must also participate in TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) Training. TIPS Training will occur on a rolling basis throughout the year. The Office of Student Engagement will designate the amount of TIPS trained organization members based on the scope of the event and the frequency in which the organization hosts events with alcohol. TIPS Training will focus on:

  • Physiology of alcohol
  • Understanding liability
  • The role of effective bystander behavior

Advertisement and Marketing of Social Events

  1. Themes of registered social functions (including publicity materials) may not be sexually, racially, religiously, or ethnically offensive.
  2. Social functions may be publicized only if the advertisement makes no statement, explicitly or implicitly, that alcoholic beverages will be served. Publicity for social functions shall not use the words, phrases, pictorial characterizations, descriptions, or representations of alcoholic beverages or events (i.e., “Happy Hour,” “Kegs,” “Cocktails,” “Golden Beverage,” “All You Can,” etc.) or any alcoholic beverage brand names. Event registration and approval must be completed prior to the release of any publicity.
  3. No reference to alcoholic beverages or off-campus bars may appear on any poster, sign, flyer, or university organization’s social media posting (except programming/prevention messaging from approved offices within university departments). This includes, but is not limited to, COLLEGE NIGHT, DRINK SPECIALS, BYOB or YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGE.

Management of Social Functions

  1. Individuals who attend a registered social function at which alcoholic beverages will be available must at least 21 years of age in order to consume alcohol. Acceptable forms of identification are valid forms of: Driver’s License, State Issued Identification, Passport, or Military Identification.
  2. Host organizations must have two members at the primary entrance of the social event verifying the ages of those who enter (i.e. all IDs must be checked each time a guest enters the event), and at least one member of the organization must be present at other entrances to direct all guests to the primary entrance. Throughout the duration of the registered social event, all entrances are to be monitored. At such time that a party is co-sponsored by two organizations, each organization is responsible for having a member at the main entrance checking IDs and a member at all other exits.
  3. At no time during a social event shall the number of people exceed the fire code occupancy limit. At such time that the social event has reached its maximum capacity, the door shall be closed by the designated party hosts.
  4. Host organizations are required to post at least two signs at social functions stating “It is illegal for persons under 21 years of age to possess or consume alcoholic beverages.” The signs, which can be obtained from the Office of Student Engagement, will be posted in plain view at the entrance and at the service area.
  5. If a host organization does not provide alcoholic beverages at a social function, the organization is still responsible for monitoring the distribution and consumption of any and all alcoholic beverages available at the function. Only those individuals of legal age displaying the designated wristband will be permitted to possess and consume alcohol.
  6. Host organizations are responsible for preventing the transport of open containers of alcohol into and out of the registered party area. Trash receptacles should be present at all entrances and exits.
  7. The host organization will provide non-alcoholic beverages and non-salty food that must be specified on the registration form. Both the non-alcoholic beverage and food must remain in plain view, be easily accessible, and available in sufficient quantities based on the event capacity; alcoholic beverages can be served or consumed only as long as non-salty food and non-alcoholic beverages are available.
  8. If concerned for an intoxicated member or guest, the host organization is expected to seek medical assistance immediately.
  9. Servers must be at least 18 years of age and members of the host organization or persons for whom the organization is willing to take full responsibility, and they may not be under the influence or consume alcoholic beverages while on duty.
  10. Uninitiated new members of an organization are prohibited at all times from assisting with or being involved in any aspect of the management/oversight of functions involving alcohol.
  11. One host will serve as the ID Checking Procedure Host and one will serve as the Alcohol Management/Bartending host. Two additional hosts may serve in each of the two capacities above and they must be listed on the event authorization form in advance.
  12. Organizations must attend pre-event planning meeting prior to the planned event. The social event will be cancelled if the host does not attend the scheduled pre-event meeting.
  13. Event Resource Managers (ERMs) and University Police will conduct a pre-event walk-through of the facility with organization leadership prior to the beginning of the event.
  14. Social events that use combustible materials or which alter the environment must consult with and receive prior approval from the Office of Residence Life and Housing and the Office of Student Engagement and comply with safety and clean-up guidelines for such events.
  15. The Office of Student Engagement may determine that a sponsoring organization will be required to hire security personnel to perform the above responsibilities at social functions.

Closing a Social Function

  1. Host organizations must properly clean in and around the area (up to fifty feet away) where a social function has been held.
  2. The host organization must submit to the Office of Student Engagement a complete evaluation of the social function by 10 a.m. the following day. Such a report must include a standard evaluation form and a copy of the guest log.

Definition of Terms

Alcoholic Beverage: any liquid containing at least one-half percent (0.5%) alcohol by volume, including beer, wine, liquor, or mixed drinks.
Alcohol Misuse: Use of alcohol that results in behaviors, physical signs, and medical consequences, including but not limited to: staggering, difficulty standing or walking, slurred speech, passing out, blackouts (loss of memory), vomiting, retching, bloodshot and/or glassy eyes, strong odor of alcohol, physical injuries, or other medical problems.
Bar/Tavern: an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food for which >50% of revenue comes from the sale of alcohol.

BYOB: a social event where individuals bring their own alcoholic beverage. If an event is designated as “BYOB,” collective purchasing of alcohol (by members or non-members of the sponsoring organizations) is prohibited.
Common Source: Common source: Kegs, coolers, and similar containers of Alcoholic Beverages intended to serve as a source of such beverages for multiple persons at a party or other gathering.

Possession: transportation, ownership, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage.

Primary Container: the original packaging in which an alcoholic beverage is distributed by the manufacturer.

Punch: a homemade beverage consisting of a mixture of wine, spirits and/or with fruit juice, soda, water, etc.

Public Display: the public possession and/or consumption of opened alcoholic beverages in any public or unregistered area of campus.

Public Intoxication: the state of being under the influence of alcohol in the presence of others to the point of stupor, disorderly behavior, poor coordination, or sickness. Public intoxication is considered to be alcohol abuse.

Registered: any social event that has been approved and recorded by the Office of Student Engagement, or other appropriate office.

Secondary Container: any device into which an alcoholic beverage has been transferred from its primary container. Also, any cup or container used for concealment (such as a Koozie).

Student Organization: any University-recognized organization, club or otherwise formally structured student group.