Information for Advisors

The Advisor Role
Becoming a student organization advisor is a wonderful way to connect with students and contribute to their growth and wellbeing. The role of the advisor may vary between different groups. Expectations should be negotiated between the group’s student leaders and the advisor at the start of the relationship.
Some typical advisor responsibilities are:
- Attending group meetings and events
- Monitoring the group’s budget and expenses
- Meeting regularly with officers
- Providing guidance to organization officers about university policies and procedures
- Creating meeting agendas
- Assisting group leadership with goal-setting
- Providing continuity through group leadership transitions
The advisor and group leadership should collaborate to establish a shared “level of agreement” which will serve as the blueprint for establishing mutual expectations, roles and responsibilities. The Advisor Expectations and Roles Checklist is a document intended to guide these conversations.
The Office of Student Engagement offers periodic workshops for Student Organization Advisors. Join our mailing list to find out more!
Advisor Resources
The Link (Student Engagement Platform)
Student Organization Handbook
Student Organization Finance Office
Understanding Student Organization Funding
Understanding Student Organization Expenses
Requesting an Agency Fund
Student Groups and Vendor Contracts
Organization Event Planning Guide
Declining Balance Card Program
Constitution and Bylaws Quick Guide
Advisor Expectations Checklist Advisor Change Form