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Unrecognized organizations are those that were previously recognized by Wake Forest University and lost that recognition as a result of a University or national organization conduct process. Wake Forest does not sanction the activities of unrecognized organizations nor encourage students to become members of such organizations.

Unrecognized organizations do not receive support or oversight from the University. In addition, unrecognized groups do not receive University training and/or education on managing an organization or harm prevention (such as Social Host Training, Alcohol Skills Training Programs, T.I.P.S. and PreventZone). Because these groups are unrecognized, they also do not have registered faculty advisors to mentor members and advise the organization.

Additionally, unrecognized organizations that are not affiliated with or recognized by a national organization do not carry liability insurance.

There are organizations that were recognized previously by the University, but as a result of conduct sanctions, are no longer recognized by Wake Forest. These groups are Delta Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Sigma, and Sigma Nu.

  • Delta Kappa Epsilon – also referred to as DEKES and Psi Delta. Delta Kappa Epsilon lost university recognition in October 2018 through at least May 2022. Delta Kappa Epsilon is recognized by the national organization.
  • Kappa Sigma – also referred to as Kappa Sig, KSig, Delta Omega, and Siggies. Kappa Sigma lost university recognition in 2013. A re-established chapter is recognized by the national organization, but it does not have university recognition.
  • Theta Chi- also referred to as Tachi. Theta Chi lost recognition in June 2023. Theta Chi will be eligible for return for the Fall 2027 semester.

For additional questions about the current status and conduct history of unrecognized fraternities, please contact the Office of Student Engagement at or 336.758.7168.